Hypertension in the ED:
Will the D-dimer cutoff be bumped up to 1.0?
Catheter-Directed Therapy for PE: Dr. Harneil Sidhu: Site Lead of RAH Radiology; May 10, 2021:
Approximately 5 years we had a series of meetings with ICU and reviewed the latest literature, and came up with our informal protocol.
In a small nutshell: We can do CDT on high risk submassive PE patients (24 hours/7 days). It can be done at UAH/GNH/RAH.
The protocol at the RAH is to first get ICU involved (as we can't go forward without patient being admitted to ICU). ICU will then call us to discuss. Appropriate anatomy has to be in place and if it is then we go forward. We only do a handful of patients a year as I must admit most get monitoring in ICU. Just like stroke embotherapy, game changer technology is in the works (more robust clot aspiration), but that is a few years in the works.